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Энциклопедия Ship Knowledge 3-е издание.
Автор: Klaas van Dokkum.
Издатель: Dokmar.
Язык: английский.
Формат: pdf.
Размер: 686 Mb.
В подготовке 3-го выпуска энциклопедии для моряков на английском языке было исправлено много недочетов и упущений из 2-го выпуска, некоторые из глав были почти полностью переписаны, многое было улучшено и доработано, и довольно много добавлено.
Книга направлена, в первую очередь, на людей, имеющимие отношение к современному судостроению и судоремонту. Цель книги дать полное представление об устроистве современных судов, вспомогательных механизмов, новых технологий в области судостроения, правил и норм. Книга полезна для начинающих специлистов судострителей и судомехаников, также она подойдет для студентов и преподавателей морских академий.
Introduction to the Ship Knowledge 5th edition
In preparing the 3rd English edition a number of inadequacies, omissions and defects of the 2nd edition have been remedied, some of the chapters have been considerably rewritten, many subjects have been improved and quite a lot of new ones have been added.
In a very clear and yet detailed way the various subjects pertaining to modern shipbuilding and seamanship as well as to present-day shipping modes and the offshore industry are dealt with in this book. An attempt is made to give as complete an overview of ships, pertinent auxiliaries, systems, rules and regulations as possible. The Ship Knowledge provides a rich source of maritime information meant for all persons with an interest in shipping. Especially for basic studies it is eminently suitable for maritime students and newcomers in the licet. For those employed in shipbuilding, shipping and related fields the work is an efficient work of reference and a convenient manual. Realizing this book could not have been accomplished without the help and loyal support from the shipping trade and industry themselves. Besides pertinent documentation they also supplied expert knowledge and commentary regarding contents and textual issues, for which I stand in great debt to them.
In order to facilitate finding a certain word or subject, at the back of the Ship Knowledge an index of reference words has been included, as well as a list of commonly used abbreviations in this field.
The author aims at forging a strong link between the contents of the book and the preferences and views of its readers and any reactions, recommendations, criticism on their behalf are highly welcome. On the website http://www.dokmar.com/ you will find free downloads of questions pertaining to each chapter and an explanation of the abbreviations used is this book.
Содержание энциклопедии/Content:
1. Shipwise.
2. The shape of a ship.
3. Ship's types.
4. The building of a ship.
5. Forces on a ship.
6. Laws and regulations.
7. Structural arrengment.
8. Closing appliances.
9. Cargo gear/lifting appliances.
10. Anchor and mooring gear.
11. Engine room.
12. Propulsion and steering gear.
13. Electrical installations.
14. Materials and maintenance.
15. Safety.
16. Stability.
Исправлено: admin - 26-04-2011, 10:05